Monthly Wrap-Ups

Monthly Wrap Up: September & A Bit Of August 2020

Hey x Welcome back to another monthly wrap-up! An informal, chatty post where I'll be talking about my month, and you'll comment about yours! I was having a rough few months so I had to skip the August monthly wrap up. That's why I decided to include snippets of what my August looked like as… Continue reading Monthly Wrap Up: September & A Bit Of August 2020

Monthly Wrap-Ups

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2020

Hi! A late monthly wrap up. Again. What a surprise, Anna😂. I'm really sorry for the late post but I'm trying to write up a new schedule for myself, and I promise I'll be very regular from now on. Let's go! Life IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY A FEW DAYS AGO!! I didn't plan for this… Continue reading Monthly Wrap Up: July 2020

Monthly Wrap-Ups

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2020

Hey guys! Welcome back to another monthly wrap up where I will be telling you how my month went! Don't feel hesitant to drop by and say hi in the comments section because I truly love reading them! Life This month when it comes to the general "life" factor was a pretty big month for… Continue reading Monthly Wrap Up: June 2020